Perry A. Zirkel, Ph.D., J.D. LL.M. And His Current Section 504 Webinars

A man in glasses and a hat sitting at a table.

About Dr. Zirkel

Dr. Zirkel is University professor emeritus of education and law at Lehigh University and formerly was dean of the College of Education, holding the Iacocca Chair in Education for its five-year term. He continues to co-direct the Lehigh Special Education Law Symposium. He has a Ph.D. in Educational Administration, a J.D. from the University of Connecticut, and a Master of Laws degree from Yale University. He has written over 1,700 publications on various aspects of school law, emphasizing legal issues in special education. He writes a regular column for Exceptionality and did so previously for NAESP’s Principal magazine, NASP’s Communiqué, Phi Delta Kappan, and Teaching Exceptional Children.

Past president of the Education Law Association and co-chair of the Pennsylvania special education appeals panel from 1990 to 2007, he is the author of the CEC monograph The Legal Meaning of Specific Learning Disability; the more recently published books, A Digest of Supreme Court Decisions Affecting Educationand Student Teaching and the Law; and the two-volume reference Section 504, the ADA and the Schools. In 2012, he received the Research into Practice Award from the American Educational Research Association (AERA) and the Excellence in Research Award from AERA’s Division A (Administration, Organization & Leadership). In 2013, he received the University Council for Educational Administration’s Edwin Bridges award for significant contributions to the preparation and development of school leaders. In 2016, he received the Education Law Association’s Steven S. Goldberg Award for Distinguished Scholarship in Education Law. In 2017, he received the Council for Exceptional Children’s Special Education Research Award.

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This 3-hour Webinar, intended for 504 coordinators and Members of 504 Teams as well as Interested Parents, focuses on the basic building blocks of an effective school program for students who are only covered by Section 504 and its sister statute, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), not the IDEA.

The Webinar Will address the following questions:
• What are the key differences Among Section 504, the ADA, and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)?
• What is the required grievance procedure?
• Does child find apply under Section 504?
• What are the latest student eligibility standards?
• What are the reasons for avoiding under- or over-identification?
• What are the required elements of the procedural safeguards notice?
• What are the legal standards and practical recommendations for 504 plans?
• What are the alternative avenues for decisional dispute resolution under Section 504?

This webinar includes forms and opportunity for Q-and-A.

12:00 PM – 3:00 PM Eastern

Thursday, October 10th, 2024  

Individual Attendee $129    

**Groups Larger than 10 May Receive a Discount. Call or email mark @[email protected] or 847.275.7200

Purchase Orders Also Follow the Same Procedure

Attendees May Also Arrange for Individual 1 Hour Followup Zoom Converations with Dr. Zirkel

Take advantage of the Opportunity to Speak with Dr. Zirkel About His Webinar Content* With You and Your 504 Team. You may schedule 1 hour of time to get You Additional Questions at your Convenience.

*This 1 Hour Followup is Not Intended to provide Legal Advice 

$300 for 1 hour of zoom consultation Post Workshop, Scheduled at a mutually agreed upon time.

Perry Zirkel Webinar Nuances Only.001

This 3-hour Webinar is for experienced 504 Coordinators, 504 Team Members, and Interested Parties. It is Highly desirable that Attendees Participated in the 1st Webinar on 504 basic Issues.

The focus will be on the latest and Often More complicated legal issues under Section 504 and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) for:

(1) students who are not also covered by the IDEA ("504-only") and

(2) students also covered by the IDEA ("double-covered").

The  “504-only” Portion of the webinar Adddresses questions Like:

•    What is the difference in Child Find under Section 504 from Child Find under the IDEA?
•    What revisions did the Department of Justice’s September 2016 regulations make to the Section 504 eligibility standard?
•    What is the current operational meaning of "substantial" limitation, including, for example, its application to students with ADHD, concussions, "long COVID,” or anxiety issues?
•    What are examples of students who are only “technically eligible” under Section 504?
•    How can a 504 coordinator say "No" in a way that is both legally and educationally effective to the parents of a student who does not meet the eligibility criteria for a 504 plan?
•    What is the courts’ standard for "appropriate" 504 plans?
•    Is the determination of the contents of a 504 plan with or without mitigating measures?
•    Are students entitled to special education as part of a 504 plan?
•    What are the latest CRDC data for the rate of 504-only students in the various states and districts?

the “double-covered” Portion of the webinar addresses questions like:

•    Does compliance with IDEA requirements automatically fulfill the corresponding requirements under Section 504/ADA?
•    Are parents required to "exhaust" the step of a due process hearing under (a) the IDEA or (b) Section 504 before filing suit in court?
•    What has been the trend in judicial rulings for Section 504/ADA claims for double-covered students?

For both 504-only and double-covered students, the Webinar addresses questions like:

•   What is the likely effect of the Supreme Court’s June 28, 2024 Loper decision on the present as well as the proposed U.S. Department of Education’s Section 504 regulations?
•    What are the current differences between the Office for Civil Rights and the courts in applying Section 504/ADA?
•    Are individual school employees, such as teachers and Section 504 coordinators, subject to liability under Section 504/ADA?
•    What is the prevailing standard for district liability for money damages under Section 504/ADA?

This webinar includes forms and opportunity for Q-and-A.

12:00 PM – 3:00 PM Eastern

Thursday, October 21st, 2024

Individual Attendee $129

**Groups Larger than 10 May Receive a Discount. Call or email mark @[email protected] or 847.275.7200

Purchase Orders Also Follow the Same Procedure

Attendees May Also Purchase An Individual 1-Hour Followup Zoom Converation with Dr. Zirkel

Take advantage of the Opportunity to Speak with Dr. Zirkel About His Webinar Content* With You and Your 504 Team. You may schedule 1 hour of time to get You Additional Questions at your Convenience.

*This 1 Hour Followup is Not Intended to provide Legal Advice

$300 for 1 hour of zoom consultation Post Workshop, Scheduled at a mutually agreed upon time.